Friday, February 7, 2020

Once Upon a Time on a Parasite

I watched Parasite and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood again, and I realized that I really did like the movies, but to me the endings hurt both of them.

Parasite was a really good comedy. Seeing the Kim family, who smelled of poverty, find occupations with the Parks and get them to share their wealth was really funny. Like all good upstair / downstair movies we see that both families, despite their monetary situation, have problems. Having the third family who were really living downstairs and were actually displace as parasites by the Kims just made the social commentary more interesting.

In Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino created a love letter to the television and movies of the 50's that he grew up on. The movie brought us behind the scenes on Wanted Dead or Alive, Lancer, and the spaghetti westerns. The movie was touching, funny and interesting.

Both movies ended reverted with the directors reverting to their favorite genre : horror. And even though I still liked both movies, I think they both could have been better if they could have finished the movies in the genres they started in.

But I still think both movies were really good and two of the best movies of the year.