Thursday, January 2, 2020

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

A movie about an actor and his stunt double who cross paths with Sharon Tate and the Charles Manson and his family.

I really liked the look back at the early TV shows I had watched growing up. Dead or Alive and Lancer were two shows I can recall vividly. The music in the film was also really great, playing many of the one hit wonders, now  forgotten, of the sixties.
The movie also worked for me because Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt were so good. They seemed to be so natural and to be having such a good time working together.
Like many of Tarantino's film, the movie starts in a somewhat normal, although consistently quirky world. It then drives the film off the cliff, and then finishes up as if nothing out of the ordinary really just happened.
I really enjoyed the film and I think it will do really well at the Oscars.