Friday, May 1, 2009


- 3 1/2 Eberts

Doubt is not a fun move. But it is very interesting and it it is very well done. The acting in it was especially good. Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour and Viola Davis were tremendous. This movie is well worth seeing just for the acting alone.
The movie is unsettling because you don't know what to believe when you are watching it. But the more I think about it the more I know that Sister Aloysius was right, and she was a heroic character. She was going to do what was right even if it ended up hurting her.
Sister Aloysius is not a really sympathetic character but she might just be one of film's most heroic characters. She was willing to do what was right even though the monsignor and those around her were not. She wasn't going to take the easy way out.
Sister Aloysius wasn't interested in being popular, she was interested in doing what was right for the children. It's hard to do the right thing when no one else is supporting you. It's easy to develop doubt about whether you are doing the right thing when those around you are all telling you that you are wrong. Only a real hero could stand up to that kind of pressure.
Roger really liked it and gave it 4 stars.