Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

- 3 Eberts

This has been a year in which Germans' role in the Holocaust has begun to be discussed. There had been movies, like Cross of Iron and The Young Lions, made in the past in which German soldiers and their roles have been shown. In Valkyrie we see that not all the German officers were for Hitler. Most followed him more out of fear than because they believed in him. In The Reader we see a woman who took part in the atrocities, but was looked on as more of a victim than a criminal.
In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas we see a family of a concentration camp commander. As the family begins to discover what is really going on, they begin to see the father for what he really is. The wife end up calling him a monster. The son becomes friends with one the boys in the camp.
The movie is the beginning of a discussion about the German people themselves also being victims of the Holocaust and the Nazi regime. It has been sixty four years since the Nazi regime fell, so it is time for the discussion to begin.
Roger also liked this movie and gave it 3 and a half stars.