Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988)

I watched two movies directed by Pedro Almodovar since seeing his auto-biographical Pain and Glory (2019).
Bad Education (2004) showed what happened to Aldmodovar after his mother sent off to the religious school and it wasn't pretty.

Bad Education is listed as a Crime, Drama and it is certainly both of those things as it explores the wanton sex abuse of the boys at the hands of the priests during the Franco era in Spain. Probably required viewing for those who want to understand Aldomovar.

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) is a mad cap comedy that pays homage to, but somehow manages to pass in some ways the best of the screwball comedies of Howard Hawks and Preston Sturges.

In the film, Pepa (Carmen Maura), tries to discover why her lover has suddenly left her.

A great movie that will definitely get better with repeat viewings.