Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Long Dark Knight

- 3 1/2 Eberts

Roger gave The Dark Knight four stars and I can't fault him for that. There were so many things that were good about this movie. Roger brilliantly says :

Something fundamental seems to be happening in the upper realms of the comic-book movie. “Spider-Man II” (2004) may have defined the high point of the traditional film based on comic-book heroes. A movie like the new “Hellboy II” allows its director free rein for his fantastical visions. But now “Iron Man” and even more so “The Dark Knight” move the genre into deeper waters. They realize, as some comic-book readers instinctively do, that these stories touch on deep fears, traumas, fantasies and hopes. And the Batman legend, with its origins in film noir, is the most fruitful one for exploration.

Writing movies that appeal to both adults and children is really hard to do, but these new comic book movies may do it as well as any genre ever.

Having supporting actors like Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman can only help a movie because they are always fun to watch. Heath Ledger gives the best performance ever given in this genre and it may never be matched. I really hop he gets the Oscar.

My only gripe with Knight is the length. I think the movie should have ended with the end of the Joker. In addition, making the movie a more reasonable length would have made the movie more focused.

The movie is long and the plot strays, but it does so many things right I have to give it 3 1/2 Eberts.